Opportunities at Limestone Learning: Instructional designers and editor / quality control specialist

Opportunities at Limestone Learning: Instructional designers and editor / quality control specialist

We’re currently seeking experienced Vancouver, BC-based instructional designers and a contract editor / quality control specialist to join our growing team at Limestone Learning, to help build top-notch elearning, instructor-led training and blended solutions for our clients.

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Learning & Development Conferences for 2020

Learning & Development Conferences for 2020

[last updated July 7, 2020]

Do you feel like the year flew by? Are there any areas you want to focus on in 2020? For many L&D professionals, a conference is an opportunity to delve into a community of practice where you can see how other professionals are incorporating new innovations and tools into their work. So without further ado, here’s a roundup of upcoming conferences for 2020.

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Eight storytelling techniques to engage your learners

Eight storytelling techniques to engage your learners

I was recently searching online for a topic related to learning and development (L&D) and came across an excellent blog post by Sparkol on classic storytelling techniques for creating engaging presentations. The article explains eight different types, how they can best be used and links to examples on how the technique is used.

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