To transfer a file to Limestone Learning, please do the following:
Complete the form below.
Click the Select File(s)... button near the bottom of the form to choose one or more files from your computer.
Click the Send button.
Only pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, htm, zip, mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif/tiff, ppt, pptx, mov, mp4, and m4v are allowed. Please compress other file formats into zip format.
Larger files make take several minutes to upload. Click the Submit File(s) button only once, and do not refresh the page. You will see a confirmation message when complete.
Please do not use this feature if your organization has Canadian data sovereignty, data residency or data security compliance requirements. Instead, please contact your Limestone account manager to make arrangements for you to use one of our secure, Canada-based file transfer systems.
Please contact us if you need any assistance.