Free T&D webinars for August

There’s nothing like a month of sunshine to recharge our batteries. We all work so hard, we deserve some summer down-time, relaxing and soaking up the sun. Why not soak up some learning as well with a free webinar? We hope these August events will inspire and motivate you.

Thursday, August 8, 2013, 10:00AM – 11:00AM PST: What Can MOOCs Mean for the Corporate World?

MOOCs are the talk of the town in the higher education space, but what can they mean for corporate training? In this session we’ll discuss emerging trends, platforms, proof of impact, statistics, and business models. What does MOOC mean to you? What is the essence behind the acronym? What could it mean for corporate training? What do we need to introduce a successful MOOC in corporations? Get ready for some golden advice gleaned from early MOOC adopters while designing our LeaderMOOC (coming in September).

Friday, August 9, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Ace the Interview: Behavioural Interviewing Tips (Free for ASTD members)

Employers conduct behavioural interviews to find out if candidates have the skills they need and how candidates might act in specific work situations. This webinar will explore strategies and provide tips to help you prepare and present yourself at your best. You will “look behind the curtain” and learn how and why employers develop behavioural questions. You’ll also learn about a model for answering behavioural questions that ensures interviewers will get the information they need from you during your interview. By understanding the rationale and process from the interviewer’s side of the table, you’ll be better positioned for success in your next behavioural interview!

Monday, August 12, 2013, 3:30AM – 4:30AM PST: Learning and Development Trends in India 2012 (Free for ASTD members)

Christina Mandzuk, Research Analyst for ASTD Research Services, will discuss benchmarking data from 41 Indian organizations for 2012. ASTD estimates that Indian organizations spent $331 per learner on employee learning and development in 2011. One-half was spent on internal learning functions such as staff salaries and internal development costs. The remainder was split between tuition reimbursement (6.1 percent) and external services (43.7 percent). The content from this webinar is drawn from ASTD’s Learning and Development Trends in India 2012 report (which utilized research tools based on the annual ASTD State of the Industry).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: Managing Remote Employees (Free for ASTD members)

In today’s mobile age, work is no longer confined to your office. But while technology has helped leaders connect to their workforce faster and more efficiently than ever, it also has eroded away all the old rules that used to work in face-to-face settings. In this live webinar you’ll learn:

  • Which personality types (e.g., introverts, extroverts, etc.) make the best, most engaged, most productive remote employees (HINT: It’s not what you think)
  • Sure-fire ways to assess and measure remote employees’ job performance without using invasive and expensive techniques to spy on their every move
  • Why you should NEVER ask “How’s it going?” to remote employees
  • Three attitude adjustments that leaders must make to successfully manage remote employees
  • Two keys to keeping remote employees disciplined and productive
  • How to avoid the five emotional “trigger words” in e-mails that cause misunderstandings, spark conflict, and get you in trouble
  • The 10-minute conversation that keeps remote employees feeling connected and engaged
  • How to end every email with a “call to action” that elicits immediate productivity

Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: New Rep on the Block – RSA’s Onboarding Success Story (Free for ASTD members)

So you have a new sales rep starting in your organization—how do you ramp them up? Do you have an effective plan in place, or are you struggling to create an effective sales onboarding process? This is the challenge RSA’s sales training team faced with enabling its inside sales team. This session will highlight the overall approach they took in gaining executive commitment, and how they built a world-class curriculum with limited resources.

RSA went from minimal training to full onboarding programs for two different inside sales roles. The result was the fastest ramp-up time for reps that RSA has ever seen. Kristen Gleason & David O’Connell talk about the key approaches that led to the success of this effort, including: incorporating an “it takes a village” methodology, making their internal customers a success, and building trust with their constituents.

Thursday, August 15, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: DECLARE: Online Instruction for Everyone

The DECLARE methodology of instructional design was developed with both the program and course in mind. DECLARE is a set of practical recommendations and content reminders used when creating training programs and courses. Register and learn to:

  • Prioritize content and learner needs
  • Balance the creation of engaging interactions and content
  • Create relevant conceptual models that aid with student retention
  • Develop SME and designer relationships.
  • Develop a cohesive, consistent, and repeatable instructional design methodology and style

Thursday, August 15, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Leveraging Technology for Social Learning

Social media has become a fixture in many of our lives, whether Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other of the growing list of platforms. Organizations are recognizing the power of this type of technology, especially for learning. Using technology to facilitate the natural connections and interactions between learners, instructors, and content is becoming the norm. The key is recognizing the difference between social media and social learning. Webinar topics include:

  • The evolution of learning
  • The difference between social learning and social media
  • Current trends in social learning technology
  • The possibilities of social and mobile
  • Examples of social learning environments

Thursday, August 15, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: Business-Relevant Ways to Convey Learning Impact to Executives (Free for ASTD members)

Regularly producing learning impact data that tells a story to executive stakeholders requires creativity. In this webinar we’ll discuss a next-generation movement in executive reporting and talent development reporting principles, created by a group of senior CLOs. The webinar will:

  • Briefly describe practical approaches to measuring learning impact
  • Explain how to convey impact in credible ways to executives
  • Provide additional examples that articulate impact in common-sense ways
  • Identify common metric errors that should be avoided when talking to executives
  • Provide an overview of the talent development reporting principles movement

Monday, August 19, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Managing Incompetence (Free for ASTD members)

"You probably chose to read this because you think you are surrounded by incompetent people. It’s true. But you must know from the start—this is my twofold approach in this story—that if you deem more than a quarter of the people around you as incompetent, then you are the most incompetent of them all."

Join Managing Incompetence author Gabriel Ginebra as he explains how everybody is to some degree incompetent. “The great deeds of mankind were not accomplished by a handful of geniuses, but by a bunch of incompetent people.” Including ourselves in this category, and learning to work with what we have, makes all the difference in how people are managed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Mobile Learning in Real Life: mLearning Case Studies

Mobile learning is exciting to talk about, and the potential seems unlimited, but ambitious vision-casting can take you only so far. Are there examples out there of mLearning being used successfully in real life? This webinar will take a look at several mobile learning case studies and evaluate the initiatives on all levels from concept to completion. The presentation will cover best practices such as the importance of a process, how to build an mLearning team, and the power of prototypes and options for analytics. Attendees of this webinar will gain a strong understanding of the many skill sets needed and steps required to deliver a successful mobile learning application. They will be better equipped to tackle the multitude of challenges that are inevitable in any mLearning strategy and development effort.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: The Leadership Assessment Process (Free for ASTD members)

Leadership assessment is a popular topic, and there are many assessment options available to practitioners. Successfully navigating the world of leadership assessment is important to ensuring that your assessment strategy will enable you to achieve your goals. This webinar will show how OPM’s Human Resources Solutions Division uses the Leadership Assessment Framework to facilitate discussions about leadership assessment needs. The framework also provides a foundation for building an assessment strategy to meet the needs of federal agencies. Objectives:

  • Learn how a framework can guide your assessment strategy
  • Identify factors that affect the selection of leadership assessments
  • Learn how a framework can be applied to any agency

Wednesday, August 21, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: T+D: Global Evaluation Trends—What’s Happened since the Recession? (Free for ASTD members)

Much has changed since the global recession. Budgets are tight, business results are routinely expected, and accountability is everywhere. The learning and development community is responding to these challenges by changing its approach to evaluation. This presentation traces the shifts in measurement and evaluation (M&E) budgets; the roles of finance, accounting, and the CFO; the responsibilities of M&E; the use and impact of ROI evaluation; the proactive approach of learning leaders; and the barriers to successful M&E. Webcast attendees will learn to identify the issues for successful M&E, identify the barriers for M&E, take a proactive approach to M&E, and plan next steps.

Thursday, August 22, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: “Help Me Obi-Social Kenobi. Social Is My Only Hope.” Using the Force of Enterprise Social Networks to Keep Training Alive

You slave away at designing your training programs. You struggle to get people excited, enrolled, and in the “seats.” The program commences and everyone gives you awesome feedback. You feel successful. Then the momentum dies. How do you keep training excitement alive? How can you boost pre-training anticipation and post-training involvement? Enterprise Social Networks, in combination with your training efforts, can provide the solution you need. Instituting an ESN can not only help you be more successful as a trainer, but can make your trainees more successful at their given jobs.

Thursday, August 22, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Keeping Your Brand Promise: Ensuring a Unified Brand Experience at Every Touch Point

Brand is everything today—and delivering a consistently rewarding experience to everyone who comes in contact with your brand is no longer simply the realm of the marketing department. Are you confident that your organization keeps its brand promise at every interaction? Are you a learning, communications, talent, or HR professional responsible for embedding critical brand messaging within your organization and delivering it to external audiences? Are you struggling to help new hires and clients experience the brand they’ve been promised? Register to learn what companies are doing to engage employees and customers alike—and ensuring their messages are authentic both inside and outside the company. Find out how HR, Learning, Marketing, and other departments can collaborate effectively and with real impact on employee behaviours, audience responses, and business outcomes.

Thursday, August 22, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Leading with Wisdom: Sage Advice from 100 Experts (Free for ASTD members)

Through the research Jann Frann did for her upcoming book, Leading with Wisdom: Sage Advice from 100 Experts, Jann shows us how great leaders connect with empathy and compassion. This includes learning how to cope with death, loss, and grief. It also includes understanding life's transitions, learning to "let go," and "leaning into fear." But how do leaders learn these skills and practices? In this webcast, participants will engage in several exercises designed to learn these skills. You’ll learn:

  • What it feels like to be laid off or to be a survivor of a layoff.
  • How to write your own eulogy and talk about how this brings compassion and empathy into clear focus
  • How to script your last moments on Earth to remind you that now is the only time you really have.

By doing these and other activities, you’ll learn how to be a better, more effective leader!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: PowerPoint as a Graphics Editor: Simplified Visual Design for eLearning

As instructional designers we want our designs to be visually appealing and relevant, and the term “less is more” is key. How much time do you spend hunting for images or that just-right graphic? What if a few strokes of a pen or the arrangement of a few simple shapes could convey the same message more effectively? In this webinar you’ll learn about the visual cortex and how you use it every day to communicate. You'll look at examples of perceived affordances, and see how making subtle changes to your eLearning graphics can be a powerful companion to instruction. You'll also look at techniques for creating on-demand graphics following basic visual communication principles.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: Social Media for Government Learning (Free for ASTD members)

New social media technologies and strategies provide quick, easy solutions to many of the challenges faced by workplace learning and development practitioners in the government. Social media vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook, for example, can help L&D build learning communities, facilitate quick assignments, offer updates or follow-up tips, and otherwise extend the reach of the formal training event. But government training practitioners face additional challenges in that they must separate myth from fact as pertains to the ability of government to adopt and adequately respond to social media. This webcast will address how to:

  • Separate myth from fact in approaching the use of social media tools for learning
  • Replicate parts of existing L&D practice using social tools
  • Extend current practice through the use of social tools

Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 11AM – 12PM PST: Live! Connecting People from Jungle to Mountain Top (Free for ASTD members)

In this session, Fluor Corporation will share how to engage, connect, and inspire while reducing travel, connecting employees, and delivering consistent training through live video technology. This discussion will focus on implementing cost-effective delivery of traditional training to non-traditional locations.

Thursday, August 29, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture (Free for ASTD members)

Mentoring has proven again and again to be a powerful and effective workforce development tool, and the need for mentoring, knowledge sharing, and skill building continues to grow. However, traditional mentoring, where an older mentor meets with a younger mentee in person to help facilitate development and groom them for career progression, is no longer adequate in today's hyper-connected and fast-paced world. Based on the September 2013 Infoline, "Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture," this webcast will describe how companies today must embrace a new form of mentoring and knowledge sharing that allows workers to find and connect with their colleagues so they can learn while on the job, share best practices throughout all areas of the business, and collaborate with people no matter where they may be located.

Thursday, August 29, 2013, 10AM – 11AM PST: Talent Optimization: Where Learning and Talent Meet

Up to this point, most organizations have expended their talent management energy on measurement and control. Unsurprisingly, the results are less than compelling. Organizations need to focus instead on effective performance—on impact where it is needed, in both the short and longer term. In other words: talent optimization. This approach uses data on competencies, personnel issues, recruitment, and other parts of corporate HR to optimize the development and deployment of talent. Instead of looking at talent as an isolated HR initiative, organizations need to work across business departments and integrate with them in order to truly be effective. Key takeaways:

  • New frameworks for talent management
  • Linking talent processes to learning
  • Leveraging integration for reporting and analytics
  • Social’s role in integration