The Quarry • Vol. 2, No. 2
/With its wee size, February can trip a person up. You think you’re on track to fit all your tasks in by month end, and suddenly it is month end. What are you getting up to this February?
Read MoreWith its wee size, February can trip a person up. You think you’re on track to fit all your tasks in by month end, and suddenly it is month end. What are you getting up to this February?
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again… stock-taking and resolving and repeatedly mis-typing the date. Yes, it’s 2023, darn it. And what does 2023 have in store? For Limestone, it’s a steady stream of interesting projects. We’re also packing the customary round-up of L&D news, including some anticipated L&D events for 2023 if you’re in a travelling mood.
Read MoreIt’s… raining (and sometimes even snowing) — at least at Limestone HQ, anyhow! So endeth our longest summer ever, if you include the last balmy month — and we probably do, given that many of us were frolicking in 26°C weather up until a short while ago. So, what do we do now? Just stay inside? It seems a bit unreasonable, but we might just have to. And that’s okay, because we have lots on our plate at Limestone.
Read MoreIt’s… raining (and sometimes even snowing) — at least at Limestone HQ, anyhow! So endeth our longest summer ever, if you include the last balmy month — and we probably do, given that many of us were frolicking in 26°C weather up until a short while ago. So, what do we do now? Just stay inside? It seems a bit unreasonable, but we might just have to. And that’s okay, because we have lots on our plate at Limestone.
Read MoreThe days are getting shorter, but not the workdays. And things are busy here at Limestone Learning, with lots of projects on the go! The fall season tends to mark a return to serious work — not to mention all kinds of scary realizations about the impending end of the year. How is your year going?
Read MoreLimestone Learning is an elearning courseware development company located in Vancouver, BC working with clients across Canada, the US and worldwide. We offer end-to-end services for the development of online training programs, including instructional design, project management and training support. We can help you bring your elearning, instructor-led training (ILT), self-study or blended learning solution to life.
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