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Welcome to Limestone Learning. You probably saw our Director of Marketing, Tristan Jutras, speak about Bitcoin, Blockchain & Beyond on Friday, October 19 at BCBEA BizTech 2018. If you're looking for PDFs from the keynote—or from the Getting Started With Cryptocurrencies session that followed, scroll down.

While we have your attention, though...

We're a custom learning development company located in North Vancouver with clients across Canada and the United States.

We offer end-to-end services for the development of organizational training programs, including analysis, instructional design, project management and training support. Our clients include BC Hydro, the BC Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD), Canadian Child Abuse Association, IF National Institute of Families Foundation for Child & Youth Mental Health, and various BC health authorities. Check out a list of selected clients here.

Feel free to browse our site to learn how we can help you bring your elearning, synchronous learning, mobile learning, instructor-led training, self-study or blended training solution to life. To start, you can click here to learn about us.

While you're getting familiar with us, please check out our blog, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn, where we share valuable resources, helpful tips, monthly free webinar schedules, and more!

Questions? Contact us by clicking here. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Oh, and here are PDFs from Tristan's keynote and workshop:

And if your DogeCoin transfer failed, be sure to send your public key address (or screenshot the QR code) and send it to

Thank you for attending Tristan's keynote and/or workshop. You can connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn (be sure to introduce yourself).

Hope you enjoyed the rest of BizTech 2018!